What is Controlled Development?
Since the launch of Green Heart of Kenya as a location in Kilifi, a part of the project that has
fascinated people most is The Sanctuary. By our definition:
The Sanctuary is a 24-acre master planned development with plots from ½ to 1-acre plots
available for individuals to build their own home. It is intended to be a community dedicated
to living in an environmentally conscious manner and as such is a controlled development in
order to create a harmonious environment for all.
For everyone who reads, two questions come up: What is a master planned development?
And what is controlled development? Let’s address one of those.
Many developments in Kenya (and many parts of the world) are free for all where people
build what they want regardless of its effect on the environment. Environmental
assessments consider expert opinions on effects of development on nature without
considering whether there are other long term effects of such developments. Trees are cut,
ecosystems destroyed, drainages blocked, and soil rendered “unfarmable” by development
Developers use materials that are not environmentally conscious. Concrete, cement, and
rock, when not carefully used, can adversely affect the environment. Socially, tall buildings
blocking light and ventilation, high walls, and poorly designed roads all create a living
environment that does not feel like a community.
A controlled development attempts to regulate these factors through a set of rules that
ensure homeowners and developers can build within certain boundaries that protect basic
principles and ideals. These principles and ideals will vary from one project to the next. For
The Sanctuary, we are focused on environmentally conscious, biodiversity protection and
socially sustainable development.
We want the development to have a zero footprint on the environment. While at it, we are
planting trees in a 100-acre corridor that borders The Sanctuary as part of our rewilding
Controlled development does not take away your design creativity or ability to put your
unique architecture to life. It creates a framework within which that design can rest. In
essence, when you build, you consider your neighbor as much as he or she considers you.
You build in a way that your house consumes energy sustainably and as much as possible
leverages sustainable sources. You build to harvest water whenever it rains. You protect all
plants and animals on your plot and plant some more. We will build shared amenities
including roads, water, security, and electricity that ensure your life is enjoyable and you
have a supportive community.
Simply put, it is controlled, not restricted development. Excited about The Sanctuary?
Welcome to buy a plot and live here. It is home.